Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Chinese bamboo furniture

This is an exquisite Chinese crafts bamboo carving Fish Basket. There are pine and Chinese fairy carving on the body of the Fish Basket.In China pine are symbol of longevity also a symbol of honest. the fairy are one of the Eight Immortals named Lan Cai He, His name was first mentioned in Shen Fen''s "The Celestial Being''s Biographies, The Sequel" of the Tang dynasty. He often wears worn-out clothing. He usually holds a bamboo clapper and acts as though he is a common begger. For a living, he often begs for handouts in the busiest areas of the town, singing loudly while as if intoxicated. He was considered "semi-crazed by many. He travels far and wide with great ease. His trademark is a bamboo basket as he is considered the "patron saint" of gardeners.

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